History of Barton County Missouri
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With Names &/or Bios of Many Early Residents!Barton County, Missouri
Page Booklet
Early days in Barton County, MO, are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales, factual data and personal biographies in this booklet, an excerpt reprinted from the rare 1889 book:
History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri
, originally published by /the Goodspeed Publishing Co. of Chicago in 1889. The spiral bound booklet is 8 1/2 x 11". A vinyl sheet protects the front cover.
Topics covered in the history of this rural county in central Missouri include:
Physical Features, including the Ozark Divide, Coal Mining, etc.; Allen Petty -- who lived in 5 counties without changing his residence -- and other early settlers; Land entries (many names), County and Township organization, Courts and Attorneys; County Buildings and officials; Agriculture and Medical Associations; Fraternal associations; Towns -- Lamar, Golden City, Liberal, Milford, Iantha, Denison, Minden Mines and other small villages; the Civil War period, including the Battle of Dug Springs and the Battle of Wilson's Creek; Over 20 pages of names of CW soldiers (example:
A. Hall, enlisted in 1862, as second lieutenant Company A, Seventh Ohio Cavalry; discharged captain of same company, 1865
; Churches; Schools;
other bits of history and trivia.
Attention Genealogists:
Besides the many names mentioned in the first part of the booklet, there are biographies of many county residents of yesteryear. Most include parents, spouse, previous residences, children, in-laws, affiliations, war records, and business activities, in the course of which they often shed light on the businesses, professions and institutions in the county. The biographies include:
Dr. George Ackason
, Edmund H. Adams, William Allen, Orvilla Allen, Frank DeWitt Arnold, Mrs. Susan F. Ash (widow of James),
Samuel Baker
, Addison Baker, H.O. Baker, Moses L. Barth, John Bates, J.H. Baugh, John Beam, James K. Belk, William S. Boyd, Dr. C.W. Bozarth, Capt. M. Breeden, Marcus Briley, Robert Brown, Prof. George F. Brous, Judge James S. Bryan, Reuben Bumgarner, Andrew C. Burnett, Alpheus M. Burton,
John Campbell
, G.W. Campbell, W.A. Carl, E.S. Casner, A.G. Cessford, A.F. Chapman, Lee Chiswell, John E. Cleveland, Herbert F. Coffin, John Bryant Cole, Thomas H. Combs, Judge Isaac A. Comstock, R.A. Conrad, William B. Couchman, John H. Cook, Frank Cranor, H.E. Cross, George G. Cunningham, William H. Curless,
Marion Dale
, Henry R. Davis, Augustus DeLissa, C.H. Deweese, John M. Dickenson, Cyrus Dixon, A.Y. Duncan, Dr. Albert A. Dye, William Dye,
John M. Earp
, Thomas Egger, Judge John V. Elder,
John J. Fast,
Charles H. Fink, Richard M. Fink, S.P. Finley, George W. Finley,
G.W.B. Garrett,
James T. Gealy, Edwin Gilkey, Pete C. Glixner, P.R. Gray, Joel Green, James Gregory, C.A. Griffin, George W. Grigsby, Oliver H. Grimes,
Tom W. Harkless
, John M. Harlow, William V. Hay, Joseph M. Hazlitt, Joseph H. Heath, Jonathan Wesley Hendricks, J.M. Herlocker, J.W. Hicks, Joseph C.A. Hiller, Dr. C.W. Hinchman, G.W. Holliday, Charles W. Huggins, Mrs. Emily Hull (widow of J.W.), John J. Humphrey,
Moses Isenhower
William Jackson,
E.W. Jenkins, O. Johnson, Caleb S. Jones, A.J. Joyce,
T.J. Kelley
, Amos Kentner, J.W. Kinder,
Matthew Lasley
Dr. J.L. McComb
, Gwinn McCuistion, Alonzo W. McCutchen, H.C. McGown, Judge D.T. McGown, James McGrath, S.F. McGrath, James McMurtry, William A. McNary, B.C. McWilliams, William M. Major, Benjamin P. Major, Dr. A.E. Mardick, Dr. S.N. Martin, Walter J. Miller, Samuel J. Minnice, Mrs. Abbie Morris (widow of Franklin), Judge Charles A. Morrow, Samuel Myers,
Horatio Nelson
, John M. Nowlin,
Joseph C. Parry,
Oscar A. Pelton, A.D. Pittenger, A.C. Pittenger, John A. Pool,
Herbert L. Reed
, Cecil B. Rhodes, Frederick Richards, Alpheus Richards, The Golden Gate Herald and T. G. Robison, Clayton Rogers, George W. Rouse, John E. Rundell, Milas Russel,
Gustavus A. Seyffert,
Calvin H. Shapley, John Slavens, W.W. Slinker, W.C. Smith, Lynn B. Smith, Robert P. Smith, A.H. Snyder, Alfred Spence, H.H. Steele, Dr. A.B. Stone, J.F. Surbrugg,
Dr. G.T. Thomson
, W.H. Thompson, Berry G. Thurman, Henry C. Tommonds, Robert J. Tucker (very brief), Brockholst Tyler,
Usher Brother
Dr. Abraham Van Meter,
J.B. Vaughn,
Edward G. Ward
, Judge Allen Warden, Crawford H. Warford, Dr. H.T. Wells, John W. Werts, Merida N. Wills, James Hill Wilson, James M. Wilson, Isaac Wimmer, Dr. M.G. Witter, W.O. Woody, Anderson J. Wray, John T. Wyatt.
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